The Session #104 roundup posted

The SessionAlan McLeod has posted the roundup for The Session #104 with a headline that asks “Eulogy Or Revival?”

Lots of nice words in there and it would appear the answer to the question is b) Revival. If you flip on over to the lineup of Sessions past and Sessions future you’ll see five volunteers have stepped up to host, suggesting that we’ll all have something to do the first Friday of each month if we want.

So I think what Alan wrote at the end is appropriate.

It doesn’t demand everyone post every month – even though I have. It doesn’t even demand that everyone reads every post. It doesn’t demand anything in fact. It just keeps rolling along, noticing the flow of ideas, tracing the track of a discourse organically. I like it. I hope it continues. It it doesn’t continue I might continue it anyway. It’s not like anyone can turn it off. And it’s not like beer blogging was ever popular or was ever going to be. Remember: no one ever promised that being popular was going to be part of thinking about beer more than the next guy and then writing openly about it … for free.

I look forward to seeing what everybody brings to the conversation Nov. 6.