Now it’s Playboy’s turn

Playboy magazine has assembled a list of the top 10 American “microbrews.” I don’t have more to say on the subject of such lists than I wrote in September when Men’s Journal published its “25 Best” list.

Although I will note I like the MJ list better simply because it had 25 beers, allowing the authors to pick a wider a range.

Jack Curtin has a nice summary at The Beeryard (where I learned about this), including who was on the panel that picked the beers and the methodology behind the choices. Or you can read “Brew Romance” at Playboy Online – if you’re not in a public library or someplace else that will surely have the website blocked.

The idea of naming a Best 10 or Best 25 is just as silly now as it was in September, but the trend here – mainstream publications with “desirable” demographics paying attention to the beer we drink – is almost exhilarating.

I feel positively cutting edge.