Fantasy Beer Dinner #6: Rick Sellers

Rick SellersFor more about what this is part of look here.

Rick Sellers started Pacific Brew News in 2005 (website, blog and podcast) and this year his articles started showing up in print. He recently signed on as Beer Director for DRAFT Magazine.

In case you forgot, the questions are: If you could invite four people dead or alive to a beer dinner who would they be? What four beers would you serve?

Four People, Four Beers

Martin Luther: I doubt my manners would be appropriate for the man, but I have so much respect for a man who was willing to stand up and voice a word of dissent in a time where that wasn’t allowed. I see him as one of the great rebels of history, even though I am certain his persona was humble.

Beer: Could you imagine sitting with Martin Luther (and his interpreter) over a traditional doppelbock? I’d love to find out. The style was reportedly developed in his lifetime and I can’t imagine a more appropriate drink even if he didn’t actually get to enjoy this, I still like the idea.

Anthony Bourdain: I don’t have a lot of celebrity heroes, but this guy simply fascinates me. I love his brash approach to the finer things in life, and from what you see of him (the side he lets us see) he is a true hedonist, a lover of pleasure and I can’t help but think an evening with him would include great food and liberal drinking.

Beer: I’d sit his ass down at Russian River and spend as many minutes and beers as needed to convince him his views on beer are skewed and out of line with his passionate pursuit of better food. He seems to like the area, but when it comes to beer he seems to think crap beer is just fine.

Fred Eckhardt: I’ve had one long talk with the man, and another brief conversation ­ what can I say, I love his stories. Beyond the beer, I love hearing him talk about the travels of his youth, including the days of WWII. Yeah, I’d love to hear a first-hand account in the evolution of the American Craft Beer scene, and who better to walk me through that than the great Fred?

Beer: Hair of the Dog’s Fred? But of course! Legend has it that Fred was named after the beer, but I was able to clarify this with Alan (owner and brewer at HotDog) and he says no, it was actually the beer that was named after the man. I’ll have to let Snopes know.

Douglas Coupland or Christopher Moore: I know, cheating! Both of these men wrote books that brought a passion for reading that hasn’t faded away, and even inspired me to write on my own. They both have quirky styles and a warped world view I appreciate ­I only hope they’re as quirky in person as they are in their works.

Beer: 2004 Sierra Nevada Bigfoot, a beer that’s great for encouraging slow, casual drinking and long conversations. Besides, I think Moore may have some great and interesting tales to spin about the elusive creature of the woods.

4 thoughts on “Fantasy Beer Dinner #6: Rick Sellers”

  1. Two votes for Martin Luther!

    I would never have thought of him, but I’ll bet he’d make an interesting beer dinner guest. I’ll have to add “Luther” in my Netflix queue to see what all the excitement is about.

    Great series, Stan.

  2. Late addition but I thought I would give it a shot. Four people and four beers is not an easy call, but I shall try:

    1) This is the easiest for me. I would love to sit down with Michael Jackson and just talk with him. I first picked up “Beer” 5 years ago and it changed my high school perception of beer. I would love to drink a Dogfish Raison de Extra and listen to what he has to say about anything and everything.
    2) Leonard Euler. The most prolific mathematician of all time. I would not understand any of his German as the language has changed over the last couple of centuries. However, to sit with him and an Alaskan Smoked Porter I feel as if it would be impossible for me to not understand math better.
    3) Alfred Bester, science fiction writer of great talent. His writing was very ecclectic in some ways and to match his personality I would go with a bottle of Fin du Monde from Unibroue.
    4) Bruce Lee. My hero in so many ways. I would want to spend hours talking to him about his philosophy towards life and martial arts. All over a bottle of Dogfish 120 minute IPA. The downside is after that beer I don’t think we would actually be practicing afterwards.

  3. Interestingly, Tony Bourdain almost made my list, too (but I had to give my hubby the spot).

    Great minds think and drink alike!



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