Corona Light, IBUs & sophisticated drinkers


Corona Takes Aim at Craft Tap Handles. Passed along because I learned in this article that Corona Light has 18 IBUs. “The consumer today — with the increase in micro-breweries, craft beer and digital media — is more sophisticated. Now they understand IBUs. If you mentioned that 10 years ago to a consumer, they might not have known.” Beware of anybody who tells you they understand IBUs. [Via Brewhound]

Remembering Dr. James Kollar (1946 – 2014) — Chesbay founder, craft beer pioneer. The brewery lasted only from 1984 until 1988, but its influence remains today. [Via Yours in Good Fermentables]

A View from the Notch. Chris Lohring at Notch Brewing talks with Max Bahnson about his decision not to renew his membership in the Brewers Association, and also about contract brewing. [Via Pivní Filosof]

Is there too much Oregon beer? Not yet, economist says. “Damon Runberg said he sees the potential for market saturation of the bigger regional breweries, but still lots of room for smaller brewpubs that serve a specific community or neighborhood.” [Via The Oregonian]

Micropubs – revolution or fad? From Martyn Cornell: “So far the micropub movement has avoided any sort of critical backlash – but I fear it won’t be long before another definition of ‘micropub’ appears, based on a TripAdvisor review of the ‘original’ micropub, The Butcher’s Arms in Herne, Kent: ‘Five grumpy old men in a 10ft square space.'” [Via]

Are Standing Tasting Bars Better than Seated? The drink is wine and “better” means sales, but maybe people who post beer ratings should include a note about if they are seated or standing when taking notes. [Via SVB on Wine]

2 thoughts on “Corona Light, IBUs & sophisticated drinkers”

  1. “…but maybe people who post beer ratings should include a note about if they are seated or standing when taking notes.”

    Takes me back to Chicago’s Berghoff of old — and yeah, standing at the bar (no stools) was all right.

  2. We use Coors Light as a control beer in the lab when running IBUs, SRM or plating. The last one ran 9.1 IBU and 2.2 SRM.

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