Beer and innovation

Just a quick thought for the weekend.

Recurring questions that resulted from the epidemic of lists in the last week (yes, you can blame me) were which came first, which were truly influential and eventually which were innovative.

In that light I found a little Q & A with Jonathan Schwartz is the CEO and President of Sun Microsystems, pretty relevant.

What really drives innovation in technology?

Courage. Courage to challenge conventional wisdom, to wholly commit to an idea or ideal, to lead and inspire those around you, whether they’re collaborators or customers.

Quite honestly, when I look at my personal list what ties the beers together not so much is the idea you’d call them innovative, but that they are wholly committed to an idea, that they are beers of conviction.

There are a lot more out there, with new ones being brewed every day.

Yes, Alan, “beers of conviction” does sound like a good topic for The Session.

2 thoughts on “Beer and innovation”

  1. Steve – I hope I haven’t confused any discussions. There are probably two topics here.

    – Innovation, commitment, courage, leadership.
    – Commitment, conviction that may not include innovation.

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