A few links while we search for cowboy bars

Million Dollar Cowboy BarWe’re headed north in the morning (attention burglars: somebody will be watching our house), eventually to Montana and Wyoming because my brother’s son is getting married in a week.

While we’re off looking for cowboy neon signs hanging on old bars (maybe even old saloons) here are a few links I’ve been meaning to pass along. (The photo on the left is was taken in front of The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson, Wyoming. A place your really should visit before dropping by Snake River Brewing for excellent beer.)

  • If you can’t trust your own taste buds whose can you trust?
  • More from our trip to New Orleans and NOLA Brewing’s 7th Street Wheat, another beer that illustrates “American Wheat” should not be called a style.
  • I stuck thoughts about “cloning” Westmalle Tripel at Brew Like a Monk, but if you are curious why it tastes like it does . . .
  • Probably should have anticipated something silly like this. Seamus Campbell writes “I have learned that the August issue of Reader’s Digest borrows from our results to construct a list of ‘The Twelve Best American Beers’ — the dozen beers listed all being 9-point scorers in The Beer Trials.” And then notes why this might not be so good. “The best-scoring beers in the book are, of course, merely the best-scoring of the beers we tasted. And make no mistake, there are a lot of beers we didn’t taste.”
  • British economists say real ale drinkers offer “economic inspiration.” Don’t be put off that the report begins, “It’s not often beer drinkers are role models.”
  • I have resisted writing (and pretty much reading) about all that surrounds BrewDog’s latest. But “BrewDog’s Next Beer: Ahab’s Undoing” had me at “implanted into the abdomen of a live sperm whale.”
  • As I type this, a thread at Beer Advocate titled “Professional Brewers discuss BA and RB” has elicited 148 replies. Perhaps time for them to consider NEW BEER RULE #8: Always take beer more seriously than yourself.
  • 1 thought on “A few links while we search for cowboy bars”

    1. I’m not sure about the first links you offered Stan,,,but the last 3 sure have a bunch of ego flying.

      Usually in life when I see a bunch of ego in action,,it’s some sign of low self esteem.

      Now the Brewdog folks,,,bold as it gets? Hilarious writeup about Ahab, the beer spout to be.

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