Assorted beer links 10.30.13

1. Finally. A beer definition worth fighting for. [Rob Fullmer, Beer PHXation]

2. Boulevard & Duvel-Moortgat: Q&A with brewer Jeremy Danner. [KC Beer Blog]

3. How much do wine writers earn writing about wine? [VINOGRAPHY: a wine blog]

4. Big beer brewers seek ‘craft’ cred. [Washington Post]

5. South Africans acquire taste for craft beers. [Voice of America] Which means, of course, they can look forward to long, boring debates about the definition of “craft beer.”

Assorted beer (& other) links 10.29.13

1. Futurism, Progress And Good Beer. [Alan McLeod, A Good Beer Blog]

2. Getting paid. [Pete Brown]

3. Talk of ABI play for SABMiller heating up again. [Shanken News Daily]

4. Horse Brass turns 37; Pilsner Urquell turns 170 … celebrate with an air-freighted keg of way-fresh Czech pilsner. [Oregon Live]

5. Bra-Burning Feminists Drive Wine Sales. That it is perhaps vaguely related to Friday’s Session topic probably coincidence. [SVB on Wine]

Session #81 Friday: Women in beer culture

The SessionTasting Nitch has posted the official announcement for The Session #81:; Scary Beer Feminists! The assignment comes with plenty of options.

I would love to see some of our historian beer bloggers give a bit of in depth back ground information on history of women in beer culture. Praise Ninkasi and what not, but were there male brewers before the fall of Rome?

Who did most the brewing in early colonized North America?

How is it that most current African brewers are still housewives while modern brewing is male dominated?

Do a feature on a woman in the beer industry!

Have you inspired your significant other to become beer culture involved? Call it, high five your beer loving wife day.

Are there any men out there who think that women in beer is a bad thing? For religious reasons, women aren’t allowed to tour many Trappist breweries and there are still French chefs who believe that a woman on her menstrual cycle cannot make whip cream. (Truth.)

Woman’s palate’s are changing the direction of beer! Are women to blame for the recent increase in fruit beers?

Are there any women out there who are crusading a flag of femininity while milling malt. Tell us your story!

I wish the timing were a little different. In February I will be sitting on a panel with Teri Fahrendorf and Julie Johnson. That weekend will probably make me wish I wrote about something different than how the acceptance of hops in brewing was part of the masculinization of beer making. Oh, more about hops. I feel so one dimensional.

Assorted beer links 10.24.13

1. The best beer you haven’t tasted yet. Joe Sixpack visits Philadelphia area breweries in planning.

2. Summit Brewing expands again, will put its beer in cans.

3. Something you don’t need department: Reverse microwave chills beer in 45 seconds.

4. Something else you don’t need: World’s strongest beer ‘Snake Venom’ launched.

5. The Washington Post seems pretty excited about Bluejacket opening Tuesday. Lots of photos.