Session #69 roundup posted

The SessionJorge does not mess around. He’s already posted the roundup for The Session #69: A Perfect Beer World.

Alas, my post didn’t make the cut. This happens every few months, although in this case it appears it is because I pissed off the comment gods. I see my comment (with a link) is still being held for approval. I don’t really mind, because it also has a typo. Quite obviously, news that Sierra Nevada Celebration had hit town rendered my mind, and fingers, pretty much useless.

Anyway, and this could change, but there’s also no link to Alan McLeod’s fine post (So What’s Not Perfect So Far?). Much better thought out than mine and worth your time.

In a better beer world, more beer is local

The SessionThe topic for The Session #69 is “The Perfect Beer World,” a concept I’ve struggled to wrap my head around. How does that fit in with the idea of a perfect world? Can you have a beer utopia without achieving overall utopia? These are the sort of questions you need a beer to help sort out.

So here’s one suggestion for a better beer world, which according to my logic, makes the world a better place in general: More local beer.

I could have typed “in a perfect world all beer is local,” but that would require overlooking the fact that some people here have wanted the beer from there for hundreds of years, and sometimes that beer was from pretty far away.

And I’d also be overlooking the fact that we’ve been waiting for the 2012 vintage of Sierra Nevada Celebration to arrive. I probably rambled on long enough about drinking local during our Great Adventure in 2008 and 2009, but it’s worth adding . . . pardon the interuption, but it appears there is news from the Wine and Cheese Place:


Sorry, gotta go.